Our session will be…

  • Integrative

    Since your energy body and physical body require harmony and balance with each other for wellness, I blend shamanic practices with herbal medicine to support healing of the mind, body, and spirit.

  • Personalised

    Our initial session will be dedicated to assessing your current wellness, include a shamanic healing, and crafting a herbal formula for your unique needs to take home with you.

  • Person-Centred

    Everyone is unique so our session is tailored to your specific needs. Our time to together gives a safe space for support with health concerns and spiritual personal development.


  • A 3 hour initial in person session held in DY9 which includes:

    • comprehensive Wellness Assessment to identify your needs.

    • a personalised Shamanic Healing to restore energetic balance.

    • a tailored Herbal Formula to support your health and wellbeing.

  • Two 45 min online or in person follow up support sessions usually one month apart or earlier if needed.

  • Helpful tools, tips, and tricks for navigating your unique obstacles.

  • Free 15min chat to find out more before booking.



What is Medical Herbalism?

Medical Herbalism uses medicine that is made from plant parts. Which plant parts are used depends on the plant itself. It is the traditional method of healing that all peoples have used in their ancestral history. Medical herbalist incorporates scientific research and modern use of plants, and is trained to degree level with the clinical examination level of a GP.

What Is A Plant or Tree Spirit?

Within shamanic philosophy is the belief that Grandmother Earth and all living beings have an intelligent consciousness, including plants and trees. When we connect to plant and tree spirits for spiritual communion, this communion can lead to profound personal healing and rebirth as well as restoring us into right relationship with Grandmother Earth herself.

Plants and Trees have been on Grandmother Earth millions of years before humans. In fact you could say our evolution as humans has been as a direct result of the plant kingdom as they provide air, food and medicine. This symbiotic relationship means energetically we are already programmed to be able to receive the healing and teachings of the Plant Spirit Kingdom.

What is Shamanism?

Shamanism is a way of being - an ancient spiritual philosophy and practice. It is not a religion. It is a belief that Mother Earth and all her living beings have a Spirit and when you are in alignment with the Spirit of all beings deep and profound healing can take place. When you remember your true essential nature you remember you actually do speak the language of our kin.

What Is A Shamanic Healing?

A shamanic healing can assist in bringing balance and harmony to energetic disruptions within our energy field. This disruptions can be caused by unhealthy belief patterns that sit in our subconscious, traumatic life event, a past life, or karma passed down from your ancestors, or collective and environmental disharmony. Different shamanic practices are used such as shamanic journeying, soul retrieval, power animal connection, plant all connection, chakra balancing, and removal of heavy negative energy from the energy body. After a shamanic healing usually you will feel a gentle but significant change in your energy resulting in you feeling more like your authentic self.

Other 1:1 Sessions

  • Psychic Reading

    Hear guidance from Spirit about your soul path and journey.

  • Shamanic Healing

    Bring balance to your energy body and deepen your spiritual understanding of self.

  • Shamanic Mentoring

    A space to discuss any sticking points on your spiritual journey within the context of a shamanic framework.